Why is the search inside snippets disabled??




  • Official comment
    Rui Jiang

    GistBox searching within gists is actually just an illusion. Because files are loaded lazily from GitHub's server, it cannot actually search the file contents of gists which have not been browsed to yet.

    We actually had file-content search within Cacher for a while but users with large libraries noticed a significant slowdown since it had to do text matching across many thousands of lines of code. We opted instead to match against title, description and filename instead.

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    Can you include that as an option for those who want it ? I don't mind slow speeds. 
    I dont remember the descriptions and filenames of the gists but i remember some keywords inside it. 

    It has become impossible for me to find the gist I want now. 

    It worked somehow "magically" in gistbox. I liked the illusion

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    Rui Jiang

    The next release will have a version of file content searching. Stay tuned.

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    Dmitriy Antonenko

    Please, can you give some hints how it works now.  This pattern doesn't work '<snippet-title>::<serching-value>'

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    Rui Jiang

    Hi Dmitriy, snippet matching searches across titles, descriptions and file contents. If you search for "<snippet title> <some file content>", matching snippets should appear high on the list.

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