Cacher crashes on startip with Javascript error (Linux Snap)
CompletedHello. Got the following error with starting Cacher (Ubuntu 18.04 with Snap version of Cacher).
Uncaught Exception:
TypeError: Error processing argument at index 0, conversion failure from Ctrl+Shift+Cmd
at AppTray.registerShortcut (/snap/cacher/74/resources/app.asar/lib/app-tray.js:286:35)
at AppTray.setGlobalShortcut (/snap/cacher/74/resources/app.asar/lib/app-tray.js:275:18)
at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/snap/cacher/74/resources/app.asar/lib/app-tray.js:244:23)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:187:15)
at WebContents.<anonymous> (/snap/cacher/74/resources/electron.asar/browser/api/web-contents.js:284:13)
at WebContents.emit (events.js:182:13)
I think it because of an invalid shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+Cmd". How can I fix it?
Thank you.
Official comment
Bruno, sorry about the trouble. Is this on a fresh install or after an update?
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